Roll 3

Roll 3, you heartbreaker, you.

Upon arriving in Lisbon, I decided the best way to shoot it was with black and white film. The color in the city is so vibrant, so alive, you could feel it. Sometimes the best B&W photographs are those of colorful subjects. Furthermore, I think black and white is incredibly effective in high temperatures. I'm not sure why, but I, as a viewer, find it easier to feel the heat of a scene in black and white sometimes.

Overall, I'm happy with what's here. I wish My finger (or something else in the foreground) wasn't a blurry distraction in front of the classic streetcar in the Alfama neighborhood. The framing is adequate for most, and I can feel the warmth of the city in these images.

Of course, there are only five photographs here. What gives? Well... either when inserting the film or removing the film (I can't recall clearly), I exposed the roll to sunlight. Stupid, stupid, stupid. As a result, an entire day of photography is gone now. It's very frustrating to say the least, but once again: it's a good lesson to learn. I've since improved how I handle the film to make it, effectively, idiot-proof (me-proof).

My favorite photograph is the last, number 5. I remember taking a few photos of that street. There were always pigeons there for some reason. The first snap got me very excited-- I thought I caught them in flight, on the perfectly-lit street. I was sure it'd be hung on my wall someday. Always humbling to face our failures, isn't it? ;-) Anyway, what I really like about this photograph is the depth of light and darkness-- moreso than the others in this roll-- with much of the light coming in one thin strip on the right, immediately alongside the darkest light in our view. What also makes me happy about this one is just how much there is to see. The shirt hanging outside a window, the pigeons congregating, the building off in the distance, the graffiti in the foreground. This feels like a photo I could come back to in ten years and find something new. So it's a keeper. :-)